July 31 2020
Applications Open for Youth Advocacy Support Grants
The Australian Government is encouraging youth advocacy organisations to apply for grants under a $1 million program designed to help all young Australians reach their full potential.
Thursday 26th March 2020
UPDATE - As of Today, Thursday 26th March 2020 The SA Government has made some clarifications as to what is and is not allowed. Specifically Outdoor Personal Training is allowed with groups up to 10 people. This is good for Victor Harbor which has the space at the rear of the Building which can be used for this purpose. Mt Compass can use the Oval. Mclaren Vale is in a slightly different situation. PT One on One is allowed for health reasons, ie diabetes, weight loss, cardio issues, etc. The Government is interested in keeping people healthy in order to keep immune systems working properly in vulnerable populations. Trainers will ensure strict hygiene measures are obeyed.
Sunday 22nd March 2020
4 square metre rule - how does it affect Spa Health Clubs?
Mclaren Vale = 500m2. Hence 125 people maximum at one time. GF Room 100m2 = 25 people max Victor Harbor = 600m2 (2 x 300m2). Hence 75 downstairs and 75 upstairs. GF Room 120m2 = 30 people max, Spin room 60m2 = 15 people max Mt Compass = 160m2. Hence 40 people max Friday 20th March 2020
Spa Clubs is now limiting our Group Fitness Classes - SEE ABOVE FOR MAX PEOPLE per area
We will not be offering Casual Visits at this stage excluding Teen Gym. Please remember to keep to requirements for social distancing, e.g Use every second piece of equipment where possible. Thursday 19th March 2020Gyms Do Not Need to Close - Update 2CEO Barrie Elvish: Fitness Australia is currently advocating for gyms to be considered essential services due to the important role regular and consistent exercise has on an individual’s immune system and their overall physical and mental health.
Clean hands before entering the ClubSpa Health Clubs has placed hand sanitizer outside the front door of the facility.
We are asking members to sanitize their hands before entering the facility. If everyone has sanitized hands before entering the club this will help to protect everyone within the club. Government 100 Person Policy
The 100 person max policy is part of a raft of Social Distancing policies being enacted to reduce the rate of spread of the Virus. This policy does not direct affect any of the Spa Health Clubs Facilities.
Group Fitness ClassesAt this stage our advice is that these classes can continue
Please take the following precautions NOTE: PLEASE spray the cloth and wipe equipment. Do not spray equipment directly. Use the spray bottles provide to wipe equipment before and after each class. If everyone wipes equipment regularly we will reduce risk dramatically. Spread out within the class area Reduce congregation time before and after classes Cleaning Gym equipmentNote: Please do not spray directly onto machines: Please spray cloth and wipe machine with cloth.
Spray bottles containing 70% methylated spirits 30% water mixture have been distributed throughout the facility and are on most pieces of equipment. We are asking members to wipe handles of equipment before and after each use. Social Distancing - What, why and How it affect Spa Health ClubsSocial distancing basically means reducing person to person contact.
It has two main aims 1. Reducing Transmission. It will slow the spread of the virus be reducing the opportunity the virus has to move from one person to another. 2. Enabling easier tracking of transmission. This is very important as know whom an infected person has been in close contact with is vital to slowing the transmission. What can we do? Reduce our circle of close contacts to a minimum Everyone has a circle of people that they spend time with on a daily and weekly basis. In order to reduce the spread of the virus it is advisable t to try to reduce this circle to a minimum. If everyone remains within a smaller group of contact it will reduce the rate of spread and make it easier to track. "15 minute close contact policy" Outside of your close contact group (family members, housemates, close friends) people are asked to reduce close contact with other people to 15 minutes. Close contact might be a conversation in the Gym with a staff member or other club member. It does not mean we cannot talk to each other it is just advisable not to spend long periods of time with people outside of your close contact group. "1.5m policy" Within the club people are asked remain separated from other members where possible. This policy works with the 15 minute policy, ie please do not spend longer than 15 minutes within 1.5m of other members. "2 hour rule assembly policy" People are asked not to spend longer than 2 hours at a time in areas of assembly, ie meetings, church services, We take this to include Spa Health CLub facilities. So we are asking our members to limit their time at the facility to less than 2 hours. Tuesday 17th March 2020Extraordinary policy change in light of Corona Virus Threat.At the moment the Chief medical officers are insisting that attending the gym is no riskier than other communal activities like church services. As a Club we have also instigated an extensive cleaning regime to ensure that any risk is minimized.
Please Note: |
At the moment the Chief medical officers are insisting that attending the gym is no riskier than other communal activities like church services. As a Club we have also instigated an extensive cleaning regime to ensure that any risk is minimized.
Policy Change: |
For a limited time and with specific and case by case exceptions, Spa Health Clubs will only allow membership suspension on medical grounds.
To Members: |
We hope that all our members will understand the necessity for this decision. We are obliged to remain open, paying our staff and landlords and we will not be able to do this if our members stop paying for these services.
We also understand some people will have to stay away for medical reasons and unfortunately some members may be critically affected financially also. As a result our business is already under stress and we need to take all measures we can to ensure that we are still here at the end of this crisis. |