what exactly is appropriate gym etiquette, and why is it important that we abide by it?
Gym etiquette is about respecting the gym as a communal space and therefore being prepared to respect other gym members and the gym equipment no matter the shade and form of the equipment. Every member of that community deserves the same level of respect
If people don't abide by gym etiquette it means that fellow members aren't getting the most out of their use of the gym. The gym should be a community for everyone to enjoy and benefit from So, to ensure you're not one of 'those people' who don't abide by gym etiquette, consider the following rules when you next workout; Return equipment
At the end of your workout or class, make sure that all equipment is returned to its rightful place.
Wipe down equipment
Whether it be with a hand towel or wipes that are provided ensure that you've cleaned off all surfaces that have come into direct contact with your body.
Time limit your equipment use
In situation, be considerate and aware of others waiting for equipment.
Exercise appropriate mirror use
Many gym goers use the mirror to ensure that they have good form -- particularly when it comes to lifting weights.
Limit your workspace
Because of this, it's important that you try to limit the space you're occupying and keep your equipment spread to a minimum. Remember, getting a great workout isn't always about physical space, but more about mental.
Equipment Use
Use the equipment correctly and in an appropriate manner, the result of misconduct with equipment leave you and other members without the use of this equipment while being fixed.
Is a security breach of your agreement and you will be fine if you are found to be tailgating.